
Shreddin' it is one thing...

But this is a whole 'nother beast.

I will be in a lot of pain tomorrow. But I'm determined to banish my little muffin top by this summer. And have super-hot arms for the wedding.

Anyone else tried the latest DVDs from Jillian?


Kyla @ The Simpsons said...

I haven't, but I've heard so much about them- its on my to-do list for sure!

Fall Wedding Bride said...

I just bought a DVD from wal mart. It is 10 minute solutions boot camp. I can't even do it! lol.. It is extremely hard. You are jumping up and down off the floor picking your body up with your arms. I mean i'm sure it would work really good, if I could do it! lol.. I am trying a little at a time to see of I can get built up and do the whole thing..

Anonymous said...

I'm a 30 Day Shred devotee, and was thinking about getting more of my Jillian fix on before the wedding. I've been at Level 3 for a while now (hellO soreness!) and love the results, but I think my body responds best when I continue to mix it up. Maybe I'll give this one a shot...

melissa said...

I love 30 day shred, but unfortunately we don't have a very large living room which makes working out to a video more difficult :)

Jenn said...

Oooh, can you please post a review? I'm wanting to try something new from her!

Adrienne said...

I have done the Shred and love it, but I have not tried this one. I need to get it!!